





ORIGMED is a developer and manufacturer of ophthalmic solutions and eye care products

Company is based in Lithuania, European Union, certified ISO 3485 and CE MDD 2460. Established in 2012 with aim to create, develop and manufacture unique, safe, healthy and competitive worldwide eye care products. We specialize in niche and complementary products for enhanced effectiveness of therapies, specific approach of people needs and clear marketing strategies for our partners. All our products are best and unique in their segment.


Our vision is innovative, healthy and worldwide loved products for eye care

We create each product. We look at studies and medical databases, researches and practical results, competitors and effectiveness of any innovation in the market. However, each of our products is uniquely created looking for efficacy, but putting safety of use at the top of criteria pyramid. When focusing on the condition and creation of new product we look for the problems when typical drugs cannot play their role – not effective, too risky or even not needed. We look at the data from all over the world and we know when our product is finished, that it can help a lot of people around the Globe and after using ORIGMED’s eye drops or creams or anything we create in the future – people will get irreplaceable benefit that they can assess fast, use it as needed and LOVE IT!

Our vision is innovative, healthy and worldwide loved products for eye care

We create each product. We look at studies and medical databases, researches and practical results, competitors and effectiveness of any innovation in the market. However, each of our products is uniquely created looking for efficacy, but putting safety of use at the top of criteria pyramid. When focusing on the condition and creation of new product we look for the problems when typical drugs cannot play their role – not effective, too risky or even not needed. We look at the data from all over the world and we know when our product is finished, that it can help a lot of people around the Globe and after using ORIGMED’s eye drops or creams or anything we create in the future – people will get irreplaceable benefit that they can assess fast, use it as needed and LOVE IT!


Our mission is to be an eye health company by direct meaning of it

Most of the medicines are strong, effective in exact condition and can be irreplaceable in many situations. However commercial approach of industry made that a lot of people nowadays use antibiotics, pain relief or other serious drugs so often, that adaptation of separate body ecosystem causes these medications the loss of their effectiveness and together with complications lead to chronic health conditions. Approach of ORIGMED is to offer people safe and healthy products that can be used for prolonged time, systematically affecting the condition as a complex by enhancing body immune system together with functional and direct action of active ingredients in each case of condition segment. Example of how this achieved is our great latest products where creating them we focused on the natural biologically active ingredients which typically are of complex chemical compositions containing 20-30, sometimes over 100 important chemical parts which all in synergy play important role in final mode of action – healthy and beneficial.


Our values are based on creativity, continuous research and development, quality of the results and effectiveness in whatever we do.

Our values are based on creativity, continuous research and development, quality of the results and effectiveness in whatever we do.







Registration code: 302896535
VAT: LT100007294618

Laisvės al. 101A, LT-44291 Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 686 94383
E-mail: oculocin [a] origmed.com

Copyright © 2025 Origmed